Flag of Canton Ticino The Nufenen Pass 2478m
E 08° 23' 20.1" / N 46° 28' 38.5" <> 672'977 / 147'778
Flag of Canton Wallis
Starting Points of the Mountain Pass:
Canton Ticino CH-6780
1141m Communityflag Airolo Communityflag Ulrichen 1346m CH-3988
Canton Wallis
Distance: 36km (22km + 14km) Traveltime: -- Steigung: W 8.1/13%, O 5.9/10%
Nufenen Pass Gallery of Photographs Streetmap of the Nufenen Pass

Description of the Pass:

The Nufenen Pass in the Valaisan Alps - in Italian Passo della Novena - connects Airolo in the upper Leventina Valley to Ulrichen in the upper Rhone Valley which is called Goms. This mountain pass is the watershed between the streams Po and Rhone. It is also the border between the cantons Ticino and Wallis. The eastern part of the mountain street passes through the Bedreto Valley while the western part runs along the Agene Valley.

Flaggy's Link List Nufenen Pass:

This is the official homepage of the Community of Airolo (only available in Italian). It offers the usual com-munity information which is typical for such a website. Of interest is the category "Indirizzi Utili" giving infor-mation about important addresses, phonenumbers and opening hours of public offices.


This site provides a collection of links by lined up logos taking you to hotels, restaurants, mountain transpor-tation and some other institutions. recommendation: have a look


This is the official homepage of the Community of Ulrichen. This site provides information about the community (administration, trade) and the village life (clubs) as well as tourism (accommodations, restaurants, hiking sug-gestions). A section about the local history, photographs of the village and surroundings complete this excel-lent site. recommendation: don't miss it


Short description and some data as well as photographs of the Nufenen Pass in the eyes of a German bicycle rider. recommendation: have a look


Description with some photographs of the Nufenen Pass by Dietrich & Heidi Pals from Germany, written by and for motorbike drivers. recommendation: have a look

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